My Latest Movie-Discoveries, And Why They Are So Great!
I think it’s time for me to share some of my latest discoveries in the motion picture world. I have taken a while because, to be fair, this year has been full of new seasons for my favourite TV shows. However, after enjoying some Game Of Thrones, Shameless and American Gods, I have been able to lump together a mix of movies and tv shows you guys should start watching as soon as you have an evening off. Mid90s Have you ever feel like being taken to another place whilst watching a movie? If there is something that describes this awarded film is that particular feeling. It does…
Latest Discoveries
It’s been a while since the last time I made a post talking about the latest discoveries in my life and the truth is that during the last few months I have accumulated some places! You still have time to try most of them if you like them! 1. Kintan I was looking for a nice barbecue place to have some dinner. This restaurant was way better than I expected. We happened to go on Monday and apparently the had “Happy hour” for the whole day. They also have a nice happy hour from 4 to 7 that offers you a 2×1 in several dishes. The price was good, the food was delicious…