
How To Boost Your Self-Confidence The Easy Way

When we were kids, we used to think about the future in the most positive way. We knew what we wanted to be in the future. People would ask us something along the lines of: “what do you want to be when you grow up?”, and the answer would be something like: “Actress“, “Secret Spy“, “Pirate“. Other kids already had more realistic dreams like being a teacher or a vet.



However, most of us changed our dreams and adapted them to new circumstances. That is completely fine. We change our minds, grow up and find different professions we want to learn and master.
We dream about mastering something, but deep inside we might not feel the self-confidence to achieve it. A few months ago, I published a post about the things that stop us from being successful and getting what we want. One of the values that I mentioned was selfconfidence.

For many people, the main reason that stops them from achieving their goals or even take the first steps toward them is their lack of self-confidence and negativity.

Thoughts like: “I am not good enough or smart enough” makes us feel that, even if we work hard, we won’t achieve anything.



Why even bother, then?

There are a number of reasons why we may feel like this. Sometimes it comes from childhood memories or the environment we were raised in. It could also be our financial situation, thoughts like: “If I had grown up in a wealthy family, I would have enough money to create my own company”. One of the greatest goals in your life must be to always believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself, you will boost your self-confidence to a different level.


We are constantly changing. Every January we are an entirely different person. We may look the same, but we have gone through new experiences, we meet new people and we think in a different way. Of course, on some years we dare to get more “out there” than others.
Some years we close ourselves more and feel less efficient, less empowered and less motivated. That´s why I believe it’s so important to look for new experiences, to try to meet different people and move around different environments. It will make you both grow up mentally and better you as a person. You will also be able to look at your past experiences from a different perspective.

It’s a good thing to visualize yourself as the person you want to be. As well as with your goals, it’s important to visualize the idea of who you desire to be and HOW you want to be like that in order to get there.

It’s difficult to become the person you want to be, but start acting like that taking small steps towards that goal is something you can start doing from now in order to boost your self-confidence.


How the boost you self-confidence, the easy way


Setting yourself some challenges can also help you. After meeting the challenge, you will recognize yourself as someone that has been able to get away from your comfort zone and achieve objectives.

And those are the few treats that can help you become more confident:

1.- Avoid negativity

If the way you think and the conclusions you take from yourself or others are mainly negative, your actions are likely to be negative and based on bad thoughts and results.

2.- Look for new experiences

Different environments and perspectives will give you the privilege of looking at things from an “outsider” perspective and often times more objective.

3.- Set yourself some goals

You can start from the easiest to achieve towards the most difficult ones. As I mentioned, once you start hitting goals you will feel empowered and in control over your life.

4.- Stay motivated

Find motivation from different sources. Consume content you like, go out and practice the activities that give you the energy to continue improving.

5.- Visualize the person you want to be

There is nothing better than reminding yourself every day what type of person you want to be. If you are not sure, you can choose to be like someone you admire. And when a tough situation comes, think about how would that person react. What would they say? How would they deal with the situation? It’s an easy but very efficient way to improve your self-confidence dealing with daily situations.

6.- Create and keep track of your small victories

Being aware of your successes in life will give you the extra confidence you need. If painting is your passion and after years of trying hard, you finally get one of your paintings sold, write about it, frame it and hang it on the dining room (why not?).
Yeah, you still don’t own an art room in Paris, but in some way, you are one step closer, and 100 steps closer than you were the previous year. Apply this method to everything. Every step close to your goal, as small as it seems, is a success, and being aware and recognizing it will improve your confidence a lot.



Let me know your thoughts about boosting self-confidence and remember, take care of yourself every single day and focus on improving your life.


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