
The Waste of Valuable Time

When it comes to being productive and use your time wisely, time management is one of your best weapons.
I believe we all have a busy schedule. So, if we leave home at 7:30-8:00 am in the morning and arrive around 7:00 pm, we won’t have enough time to go to the gym, study, do the laundry and create whatever you are creating. It’s not about controlling every single second, it’s about being aware of how I spend your breaks and your free time.

At the end of the day, thoughts are almost everything; we need to control how we think in order to care about the amount of time we waste fooling around.
In a previous post, I shared with you some time-saving hacks, but the problem comes when WE are the ones wasting our time without realizing it. If I calculate the amount of time I spend checking some social media platforms, plus watching trailers online and after getting home I start checking (for the 3rd time in two days) if the coat I like is still on sale… Suddenly, this guy comes to mind…

So I do as he says and check the clock. He is right, it’s already dinner time. The funny thing is, I always disconnect from everything after dinner. If today I’m having dinner at 8 p.m. I won’t study any more (maybe watch one video about real estate, but no more) and start my nightly ritual before watching the last episode of “The Bodyguard” and go to sleep.

If you think about the hours we have every week, how many of them do you spend working on your dream (or deciding which is going to be your dream)? We usually give 40 hours a week of our time to someone else in exchange for a salary. We spend around 50 hours a week on average sleeping for our own health and productivity. But there are a few more hours we can control, or at least be aware they exist and it’s in our hands to make them worth it.

If I use my 1-hour break to go to the closest gym and exercise, that is something that I won’t need to do for the rest of the day, and It will help me feel more satisfied. If I spend the bus commute reading about my goals, I will be wiser in the subject and more ready to take action.

I came to the conclusion that thoughts and motivation are the main keys to being productive. Thinking about how much you want something will help you take action and use your time properly, learning how to get what you want the most.

Don’t be afraid and talking about it with your coworkers or friends, and don’t think it’s bad if someone tells you that you are obsessed or too young to get into something that makes you feel passionate and happy.

I am feeling like I waste my time online A LOT lately. From reading interesting yet pointless websites to go check online stores, I can end up spending over 2 hours on the website adding new clothes to the “must buy folder” in my bookmarks. It’s important to remember how much you want to achieve something and how happy and satisfied you will feel when you get it. Remember, be consistent with what you want and always be grateful for every single step you achieve. And If you think too much about it, you will use your time to dedicate to it.
I will personally be more careful with the internet. My breaks should be to eat and visit the gym while my commute should always be my time to read books that help me improve in different areas of my life.

I have been told that a few push-ups and sit-ups early in the day followed by a cold shower is the best way to wake yourself up. What do you think about this? Let me know if you have tried it. The idea sounds quite attractive, I believe the gym must be empty, so I won’t hesitate to try some new machines without worrying about doing it wrong.


Maybe I really should try and go to the gym before I start working to wake up and feel strong so I don’t become weak and I get on some website. I will let you know how it works and will keep you updated on my improvement.

Do you feel related in any of the situations mentioned? Let me know what helped you the most and have an amazing day.


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