TOP MAY FAVOURITES Chats With My Cat - Lifestyle, Habits, Minimalism, Movies 1


I have been writing down every single thing/food/book that I have loved this week to make a nice “Favourites” post. I am going to share my discoveries and hope you find something you like too that becomes also a favourite for you!


May was the month I decided to try this Oyster App that’s supposed to help you remember how much money you have in your oyster. Sometimes I use the bus I never get to see how much money I have left. It’s nice to have my card registered and even better to top it up whenever I want, even from home!

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Real Estate guide. I have some interest in Real Estate, but it was a few weeks ago that I really started reading guides and articles for beginners. This “Ultimate Beginner’s Guide” from Biggerpockets has been the best guide I have had read so far. Who knows, maybe in the future you can consult me guys to buy a new house 🙂


Mochis and smoothie. Who doesn’t love sweet combinations? Mochis is a Japanese sweet, usually made with rice and bean paste and with a really funny texture. The first time I tried them, I didn’t fall in love with them, they were not sweet enough to be sweet, but they weren’t savoury either. They were covered with a thin sheet of flour and the texture was too funny for me.

However, a few months later I found a new Asian shop that was selling mochis with really funny colour and found myself giving them another change. This time, I was drinking a mango smoothy, and I enjoyed so much more. 

                                These guys are so passionately preparing mochi paste:

                                       The result:

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If I have encouraged you to try them, it’s really easy to find at any. Just take a look at you closer Japanese shop, and if you don’t like the flavour, you will probably enjoy the texture.


I discovered Joe & The Juice. Maybe a bit late, I have been living really close to a Joe & the Juice place, but I discovered this month, and I loved it. Apart from the juices and foods, I like the decoration and space. I love coffee places with sofas and comfortable seat. I love big spaces where I can spend the morning reading/studying/writing and charging my phone.


I am not a milkshake lover, I have never been. Maybe because I am not a milk lover, or because every milkshake tasted to me like a vanilla milkshake, but I got myself a Ferrero milkshake, and Oh My God!

Maybe my low expectations helped, but it felt like drinking the Ferrero chocolates themselves, and I love that thing.


The month started really boring when it comes to movies and tv shows. I am constantly active with this material, but none of the shows that I was watching was getting to me.

Fortunately, the month had a happy ending, I discovered Humans and I am almost finishing the first season now.

These are my May finding, is there something you feel tempted to try? Don’t hesitate, comment and let me know what else I should try for July and let me know your own May discoveries.


Let me know your thoughts