• JUNE FAVOURITES Chats With My Cat - Lifestyle, Habits, Minimalism, Movies 3


    I enjoyed writing the May favourites post (https://chatswithmycat.com/top-may-favourites/). In fact, I enjoyed it that much that decided to write a June favourite too. And, maybe, it will become a permanent post forever, the “Monthly Favourites”: maybe not extremely original but for me, very cool. Who doesn’t love talking about their new favourite things that have discovered? June has been an interesting month, I got to try many things (especially food places) and started watched some new shows, so I hope you enjoy the post as much as I do writing it. 1.- NEW YORK As I said on my “2018  April resolution” post (https://chatswithmycat.com/2018-april-resolutions/) I wanted to travel overseas (outside…

  • TOP MAY FAVOURITES Chats With My Cat - Lifestyle, Habits, Minimalism, Movies 1


    I have been writing down every single thing/food/book that I have loved this week to make a nice “Favourites” post. I am going to share my discoveries and hope you find something you like too that becomes also a favourite for you! APP May was the month I decided to try this Oyster App that’s supposed to help you remember how much money you have in your oyster. Sometimes I use the bus I never get to see how much money I have left. It’s nice to have my card registered and even better to top it up whenever I want, even from home! BOOK Real Estate guide. I have…