2020 Resolutions, The Moment Of The Truth
As the year comes to an end, I thought it was time to post my results regarding the 2020 resolutions. If you have been following this blog for a while, you know that I am a big fan of creating lists with my resolutions at the beginning of every year to feel in control of my personal growth. I enjoy deciding which activities and habits I want to change or improve and I write about them regularly to keep track of my improvement and also keep an eye on the things that I am doing wrong. Building new habits is difficult, especially if you are used to quitting after a…
Let’s Crash our 2020 Resolutions
Why is it good to have New Year Resolutions? They make you feel excited about the future, they make you invest quality time with a real purpose and, despite the fact that we don’t always get to meet all of them, at the very least we get closer to some other goals. What you really want is to master the art of creating resolutions, but in an effective way. You want to improve this craft every year in order to upgrade yourself and feel great when you have achieved some of them. The key to meet your resolutions is to make them specific and accessible. Or at least that’s what…
End of the Year Resolutions Update
It’s been more than a month since I published the “End of the year resolutions“. I want to be honest with you. That means that, sometimes, I will fly proudly showing my achievements and sharing the secrets of my victory. However, I won’t be soothing my failures. I am going to be transparent with myself about the improvements that I have made in this short period of time. Technology Detox This one has been hard. I work with computers all day long and spend my free time reading blogs and looking for new movies to watch. Bringing a paper book with me to read when I am outside…
- 2018, 2019, books, budget, creative side, creativity, declutter, discoveries, Finance, financial, findings, Free time, goals, grateful, habits, hacks, Health, improve life, life-hacks, Lifestyle, mentality, minimal, minimalist, New Year resolutions, organization, personal, positive life, positive mindset, purposes, resolutions, success
2018 APRIL RESOLUTIONS A few weeks ago, I read an article that said that March is the month in which most people leave behind their New Year’s resolutions. I didn’t write down any resolutions for 2018, but I started the year in a very productive and active way. Of course, that has been fading progressively. Don’t worry, because it’s almost April, and April it’s the best month to do the 2018 resolutions! Because you know better than ever which are your needs right now, which parts of your life need to be improved, and because there isn’t any New Year’s pressure for you to follow them. Aldo, January can be…