What Makes Me Feel Good
It’s fair to say that my free time during the last few months has been pretty unproductive. I felt tired after work, skipped the gym and any kind of physical activity and stayed home looking at my phone almost every evening. And I can see how badly this routine is affecting me. I feel more exhausted than ever and the high temperature isn’t helping at all. It’s been a fairly slow and repetitive month and part of me can’t wait for July to be over. But I can’t blame July or any other month in the calendar for my actions. When it comes to the internet of my phone Apps,…
My Best Tips To Avoid A Negative Mindset
During these challenging times, some of us have found ourselves lost in a stampede of negative thoughts, memories and feelings that often destroy our moods for hours or even days. After reading about mental issues and listening to more podcasts than I can remember, I started practising different activities and techniques and today I want to share the ones that have been more helpful. First of all, I want to clarify that I am not a mental health professional. If your thoughts or issues are prominently taking a toll on your life, you should speak with one. If there is one positive thing about the past year is the increased…
Me, Meditation and Yoga
Yoga and meditation, the 2 most popular exercises that every magazine, book, Youtube channel and platform related to mental health and improvement will recommend you. Think about it, how many times have you been told to try it? In a previous post, I was asked about my experience with meditation and, due to my lack of consistency, my point of view was too blurred to make a real conclusion. But I have been wanting to improve my “meditation skills” and make it a part of my life for a long time now. Also, the world seems to be telling me to try it again. Every time I open Medium I…
Lifestyle Inflation, A New Concept To Live By
The world changes all the time, our lives change and so does our vocabulary. Over the last decade, a good amount of terms have been born and have become a part of our culture and everyday life. There is a new concept that I have heard of recently and has been an eye-opener to me. I wanted to share this with you in today’s post. LIFESTYLE INFLATION What does lifestyle inflation refer to? The best example of lifestyle inflation is when someone gets a pay rise and buys a new car that, therefore, increases his monthly car expenses, to the point where that individual never gets…
A Little Bit More About Happiness
Only 3 days after publishing “Requiem for happiness“, where I speak about my favourite views in relation to happiness and the different theories that study how to achieve that bliss in your life, the book I was reading took me by surprise by bringing up this topic. “The Slight Edge” takes the subject to a different level in order to prove a single theory concerning a fulfilled lifestyle and personal development. The author provides the theory about development and growth and applies its practice to every area of life. I take very seriously my duty of keeping you updated with the latest news and discoveries regarding a happy lifestyle, so…
I don’t like my life and I want to change it, where do I start?
Your life is not perfect. Let’s face it, mine is either. There are just too many things going on in our lives and there is a point when you ask yourself, am I happy? If the answer is NO, maybe it’s time to start making some changes. You want to improve your life but you are not sure of why or what to do, so let’s start from the beginning. First things first: there is something wrong in your life and the best way to solve it to find what is missing. Sounds easy, but most people are afraid to take this first step and that’s often the reason some…