Do This if You Are Having a S***** Day
Regardless of how positive and motivated you are as a person, bad days exist for all of us. The key is to be ready for it and use all of your heavy artillery to fight back the negative feelings, remorse and guilty that a twisted day can leave in your brain. Bad days are like chocolates. They come in different shapes and colours. You could have woken up in a bad mood after sleeping badly. Maybe you missed the alarm and were late to work. You had an argument with a coworker and, If that was not enough, the transport has collapsed and you will need to take the car/bus.…
4 Effortless Ways To Make Your Life Enjoyable
When your routine starts suffocating your motivation reserves, a few small changes can go a long way. If this is the case, and you need to make some specific adjustments in your routine that truly upgrade your lifestyle and your overall wellness. These are some of the alterations I recently made in order to enjoy my life more: 1- Monday Party I am pretty sure most of us mortals suffer a common symptom: The Monday Blues. This is possible even if you like your job. Mondays are the goodbye to the freedom you savoured during the weekend and the welcome to the routine and the job you depend on. A…
- 2018, 2019, books, budget, creative side, creativity, declutter, discoveries, Finance, financial, findings, Free time, goals, grateful, habits, hacks, Health, improve life, life-hacks, Lifestyle, mentality, minimal, minimalist, New Year resolutions, organization, personal, positive life, positive mindset, purposes, resolutions, success
2018 APRIL RESOLUTIONS A few weeks ago, I read an article that said that March is the month in which most people leave behind their New Year’s resolutions. I didn’t write down any resolutions for 2018, but I started the year in a very productive and active way. Of course, that has been fading progressively. Don’t worry, because it’s almost April, and April it’s the best month to do the 2018 resolutions! Because you know better than ever which are your needs right now, which parts of your life need to be improved, and because there isn’t any New Year’s pressure for you to follow them. Aldo, January can be…
This Method Helped Me Avoid Temptation
We often end up the day having bought something we didn’t have the intention to buy when we woke up. Or is it just me? This is probably due to the inducement we feel after looking at something that looks beautiful (like flowers) or enjoys using (a new scarf). And then, we need to own it. Lately, I have taken some steps to improve my life and of course, my spending habits. Today I want to share my most effective methods to avoid the temptation of buying something. 1. Unsubscribe From Notifications. This one is, by far, the best decision I could have taken. I used to receive a large…
Questions You Should Answer Before Buying Something
1. Did I come Here For This? Often, we end up buying more things than we need because they were in our way. In fact, that’s the reason Supermarkets are strategically organized, and products are sometimes so beautifully packed so we can see more them “on our way to the cashier” and put them on our baskets. 2. Is it a…