- avoid family, blogmas, comedy, enjoy, Entertainment, food, jokes, Lifestyle, Merry Christmas, tips, Uncategorized
7 Ways to Avoid Family Dinners at Christmas
With the given date, I can’t stop reading and hearing people talking about how much they hate Christmas dinners. Some people hate the food, some others the company 😊 Easy, I will give you a few examples of how to avoid them, or at least spend less time in there. 1- An old person fell on the street This one allows you to be late (or very late). You just need to send a message somebody that will be at the dinner, let them know that just in front of you an elder person fell and you had to help him because you were the only one in there. Also,…
5 Amazing Books You Need to Read Before Going Back to the Real World
Some years ago, one of my teachers was talking about the importance of reading. He said something along the lines of “When I see a teenager reading, I think, he’s saved”. Well, that’s bullshit. I don’t think reading ANY type of book is going to save you from whatever that sentence was referring to. Some books are simply a waste of time. Nowadays, most publishers are more interested in the money the book is going to make than the quality of the book itself. Some of the books that I read in my teenage years were a waste of time. They entertained, yes, but didn’t help me learn or grow…
- Education, enjoy, Entertainment, Finance, habits, happiness, Health, improve life, Lifestyle, psychology, successful, time
Habits To Be More Successful – Part 2
Habits shape our lives. Since the moment we are born, we have basic needs, we need food, a roof and water. That’s the perfect trap to make us dependent on the system organization. Some people say “I don’t need a high salary, I am happy with having enough food and a roof”. If we were truly free, the prize for working and being part of the system would be just to get extra luxuries and additional material possessions we don’t need. People who didn’t want those luxury items wouldn’t work because they would just be happy with their most basic needs being assured. However, the system needs people performing different…
Habits That Will Help You Become The Real Owner Of Your Life
“We are all slaves, it doesn’t matter where you live or what you do for a living”. I’ve heard that sentence a million times, and it stays in my mind nowadays because it explains the foundation of society. We are born in a place by pure chance. It is a lottery none of us played for. None of us decided on which country or family be born. However, all countries survive with a similar system. You will study for some years (which vary according to the place you are), the subjects you study will vary depending on the country. But they will be already established in order to prepare you…
- budget, expenses, Finance, Free time, happiness, Health, improve life, Lifestyle, tracker, Uncategorized
Control Freak: Budget Trackers and Monthly Planners
We have just arrived to the 2nd part of how I organise my expenses each month. At this point, I may look like a control freak, I know. But I promise I really enjoy doing this procedure at the end of the month. In the evening of a Friday or Saturday morning, I go to a coffee place, get a nice drink and a brownie and start making the numbers. More budget trackers? Kiira, aren’t you a bit obsessed with your expenses? Okay, I think it’s really good for me to have this control over my expenses for 2 reasons. The first one is that I actually love doing this,…
Discover The Best Way To Control Your Expenses
Since I started the blog, I decided to use new ways to control what I spend. Just to make sure I keep an eye on them and see if there is something is getting out of hand. Instead of trying to control the number of things that I accumulate… With this technique, I try to maintain an eye on the money that I spend and the way I do it. It wasn’t until last week that I realised “my way” could be really useful for other people. Some time ago, I used to write the money I spend every day. It’s not something unique, it’s just something many people do…