5 Books You Need To Read Before The End Of The Year
Tired of being stuck at home? Today I share with you 5 books that have made my 2020 a lot less of a nightmare. Spoiler alert, 4 of them have TV adaptations!
5 Amazing Books You Need to Read Before Going Back to the Real World
Some years ago, one of my teachers was talking about the importance of reading. He said something along the lines of “When I see a teenager reading, I think, he’s saved”. Well, that’s bullshit. I don’t think reading ANY type of book is going to save you from whatever that sentence was referring to. Some books are simply a waste of time. Nowadays, most publishers are more interested in the money the book is going to make than the quality of the book itself. Some of the books that I read in my teenage years were a waste of time. They entertained, yes, but didn’t help me learn or grow…