The 7 Simple Factors That Helped Me Become Minimalist
Last year, I started reading some articles, and also did my own research about a certain movement. I knew the word “minimalism” was related to art and design. However, the minimalist lifestyle got my attention when I started to really understand it. The concept of living with less. It didn’t seem too appealing to me at first. I thought the term was related to wearing the same every day and not using any cosmetics at all, but I kept doing my research and ended up discovering that minimalism could be applied to every person in a different way. It’s true that in general, more minimal lifestyles deny excess and clutter.…
A Few More Things You Should Consider When Looking For A Flat
A Few More Things You Should Consider When Looking For A Flat Scared of your next flat hunting experience? You can do it and without dying 1. STAY CLEAR ABOUT YOUR BUDGET You have a specific budget for a reason, and it must be respected. Many agencies push their negotiators into showing you places that are over your budget, so it’s not very uncommon for the agent to show you an amazing place for you to realise a few minutes later that you aren’t willing to pay the asking price. They do it in order for you to start considering your budget again…not a great way to waste your time. Last time…
Are You Flat Hunting? Then You Should Consider this 5 Things
The time has come again! We are starting our flat hunting experience and I am going to make a few posts about it, following up with every new thing I learn and realize. Every time I go through this experience, I learn new tips and tricks about the art of moving flats. The most important points would be: 1.- The Area Is it a safe area? Maybe you live in a small and safe city. If that’s NOT the case, make sure that your new neighbourhood is a decent place to walk around and do your daily life activities with peace. Some consider a good idea to take a stroll at…
8 Things You Should Remind Yourself Before Moving Flats
Moving flats it’s very exciting, but it can also be a pain in the a$$. Now that I find myself in the middle of the flat-hunting sea, I have been remembering the mistakes I made in the past movings. Reflecting on the near future, there are a few points I want to remember. I hope this list can help me someday and, hopefully, it helps you too! You Always Have More Stuff Than You Can Remember Bear in mind that you are going to be surprised by the number of items you have at home. Even the most unexpected items, including small objects you lost months ago. Every time I…
Control Your Belongings And Needs With Lists
We’ve heard a few times now about “to do” lists and the “shopping lists”. Lately, I have been trying to control what I buy in order to stop accumulating useless items that I own. On the other side, I truly love spending hours online, simply checking clothing shops, reading reviews about tech products, stationery pieces, etc. I just add the products that catch my eye to a folder on my Bookmarks Bar, called “wish list”. The result is simple, every time I want to take a look at the items in this folder, I run into hundreds of bookmarks. Some of them are clothes, some are cosmetics, some are tech, and…
Having Too Many Stuff
It was just a few months ago when I discovered that my impulse purchase was not as much under control as I thought it was. We had been living in a very small flat in London, and now, we were moving to an also small, but way more cute flat in the heart of the city. I read a bunch of blogs and articles looking for tips on how to make this experience less stressful and more pleasant. However, nothing was going to prepare us for the nightmare that we were going to live. I remember one of the articles said: “Never underestimate the number of things that you have”. And…