- budget, expenses, Finance, Free time, happiness, Health, improve life, Lifestyle, tracker, Uncategorized
Control Freak: Budget Trackers and Monthly Planners
We have just arrived to the 2nd part of how I organise my expenses each month. At this point, I may look like a control freak, I know. But I promise I really enjoy doing this procedure at the end of the month. In the evening of a Friday or Saturday morning, I go to a coffee place, get a nice drink and a brownie and start making the numbers. More budget trackers? Kiira, aren’t you a bit obsessed with your expenses? Okay, I think it’s really good for me to have this control over my expenses for 2 reasons. The first one is that I actually love doing this,…
My Super Belonging List
Some months ago, I explained a few of my tricks to spend less on those items we don’t need that much. I pushed myself to apply measures, some of them as drastic as making a list with the items I knew I was likely to overbuy. A small piece of the list: I thought it was worth dedicating a post related to the effects that making this type of list has. This is another picture of the current list: As you can imagine, the reason I am publishing this piece is due to the positive results that it has had in my life. After a few months, I was truly buying…
A Few More Things You Should Consider When Looking For A Flat
A Few More Things You Should Consider When Looking For A Flat Scared of your next flat hunting experience? You can do it and without dying 1. STAY CLEAR ABOUT YOUR BUDGET You have a specific budget for a reason, and it must be respected. Many agencies push their negotiators into showing you places that are over your budget, so it’s not very uncommon for the agent to show you an amazing place for you to realise a few minutes later that you aren’t willing to pay the asking price. They do it in order for you to start considering your budget again…not a great way to waste your time. Last time…
- 2018, 2019, books, budget, creative side, creativity, declutter, discoveries, Finance, financial, findings, Free time, goals, grateful, habits, hacks, Health, improve life, life-hacks, Lifestyle, mentality, minimal, minimalist, New Year resolutions, organization, personal, positive life, positive mindset, purposes, resolutions, success
2018 APRIL RESOLUTIONS A few weeks ago, I read an article that said that March is the month in which most people leave behind their New Year’s resolutions. I didn’t write down any resolutions for 2018, but I started the year in a very productive and active way. Of course, that has been fading progressively. Don’t worry, because it’s almost April, and April it’s the best month to do the 2018 resolutions! Because you know better than ever which are your needs right now, which parts of your life need to be improved, and because there isn’t any New Year’s pressure for you to follow them. Aldo, January can be…
8 Things You Should Remind Yourself Before Moving Flats
Moving flats it’s very exciting, but it can also be a pain in the a$$. Now that I find myself in the middle of the flat-hunting sea, I have been remembering the mistakes I made in the past movings. Reflecting on the near future, there are a few points I want to remember. I hope this list can help me someday and, hopefully, it helps you too! You Always Have More Stuff Than You Can Remember Bear in mind that you are going to be surprised by the number of items you have at home. Even the most unexpected items, including small objects you lost months ago. Every time I…
Control Your Belongings And Needs With Lists
We’ve heard a few times now about “to do” lists and the “shopping lists”. Lately, I have been trying to control what I buy in order to stop accumulating useless items that I own. On the other side, I truly love spending hours online, simply checking clothing shops, reading reviews about tech products, stationery pieces, etc. I just add the products that catch my eye to a folder on my Bookmarks Bar, called “wish list”. The result is simple, every time I want to take a look at the items in this folder, I run into hundreds of bookmarks. Some of them are clothes, some are cosmetics, some are tech, and…