Amazing Habits I Am Currently Loving
Routines and habits are the skeletons of our lives. We can say we don’t have them, but even the most unimportant actions are part of who we are and the lifestyle choices we make. From snoozing the phone to never cooking dinner at home, every single aspect of our lives that repeats itself, again and again, is itself a tiny routine that will have it’s effect sooner or later. I thought it was a good time to are a few of my favourite habits that I have been implementing since the beginning of the year and I am currently loving. Being Mindful With Food I am happy to say…
Habits That Will Help You Become The Real Owner Of Your Life
“We are all slaves, it doesn’t matter where you live or what you do for a living”. I’ve heard that sentence a million times, and it stays in my mind nowadays because it explains the foundation of society. We are born in a place by pure chance. It is a lottery none of us played for. None of us decided on which country or family be born. However, all countries survive with a similar system. You will study for some years (which vary according to the place you are), the subjects you study will vary depending on the country. But they will be already established in order to prepare you…