4 Simple Saving tips for 2020
Saving money is one of the priorities in most people’s resolution lists. However, we always end up coming back to the same routines and habits. In today’s post, I am going to share 4 simple saving tips that I applied recently and have helped me make my life more simple whilst saving a few extra bucks. 1. Stick to one nutritious dish and prepare it 3 times a week This one comes in handy for those who feel a bit overwhelmed over the number of options that a regular supermarket offers. Even though we aren’t always aware of it, the effect can push us to go back to our comfort…
What To Invest In And What Not To Invest In
Your body Everything related to your body is worth your time. From eating clean food to investing a little bit extra on your night moisturizer. Whatever helps you is good. You are your own responsibility, and as much as it sounds like an undeniable fact, I am surprised at how many people decide to leave their whole existence in the hands of poor diets and absolute lack of knowledge just to seek advice from poorly informed people and miracle diets in order to fix, in just a few weeks, years of neglecting. Your whole body, in its material and emotional way, is the machine that will help you go through…
Update on 2019 Starter Pack
At the beginning of the year, I published a post where I mentioned a few items I wanted to include in my daily life from January 2019. These items were supposed to improve my quality of life and also help me save some money. It’s been 2 months since then. I have included some new items and I thought now was a good moment to give you an update about this. Stainless Steel Straws I still use them. Now, they are not perfect. They are made, as the name indicates, from stainless steel and that means that inside your mouth you are going to get this soft but…
The Reason Why You Buy More Than You Need
Throughout my life, I have had the opportunity to witness many people wasting money to buy more than they actually need. There can be many reasons that explain this habit. We all know a bunch of people that splurge and make poor financial decisions. We can classify them and make a fast analysis of their life and also ours to find out why we end up buying more than we need and often throw money away in order to get things we don´t need. I have collected a few theories based on random people that I met at some point in my life, including myself. Let me know if you…
The 5 Best Purchases I Have Ever Made
Not everything we do needs to be sad, or deep, or complicated… Once in a while, we make good choices and one of the best things about technology is that we can always share them online in order to help other people make theirs. On the other side, if you accumulate a bunch of items you regret buying, you can also share your thoughts about them. In this post, I will share the best 5 purchases I have ever made. I love reading reviews and watching videos about items that I need. If I am looking to buy a new toaster, I will read a thousand blogs and reviews before…
5 Amazing Tricks Shops Don’t Want You to Know
It’s Christmas! Some of us still need to buy a few things before the end of the year and there are a few tricks that we can use and that shops never tell us that could help us save some extra money. Bargains online – All year long Most shops have an online store. Usually, is very easy to find bargains and items on sale. This is because every new season the stores get their new collections, so they want to get rid of the old pieces. They have a limited space to put their items and of course, they use it for showing the new ones. If you go…