How to Boost Your Positive Mindset
Hi everyone! I previously wrote a story about my favourite techniques to avoid negativity in our brains and our lives. Today, I feel that now is the perfect time to focus on improving our positive psyche. Instead of running away from negativity, we will try to feed and nurture that part of ourselves that’s already living and hiding within our souls in order to create happiness, motivation and gratitude. Inner Thoughts As the day goes by, our mind is going to process different thoughts and moods. Some of them will be completely irrelevant, like remembering the tasks you need to get done by the end of the day, and…
My Best Tips To Avoid A Negative Mindset
During these challenging times, some of us have found ourselves lost in a stampede of negative thoughts, memories and feelings that often destroy our moods for hours or even days. After reading about mental issues and listening to more podcasts than I can remember, I started practising different activities and techniques and today I want to share the ones that have been more helpful. First of all, I want to clarify that I am not a mental health professional. If your thoughts or issues are prominently taking a toll on your life, you should speak with one. If there is one positive thing about the past year is the increased…
Amazing Habits I Am Currently Loving
Routines and habits are the skeletons of our lives. We can say we don’t have them, but even the most unimportant actions are part of who we are and the lifestyle choices we make. From snoozing the phone to never cooking dinner at home, every single aspect of our lives that repeats itself, again and again, is itself a tiny routine that will have it’s effect sooner or later. I thought it was a good time to are a few of my favourite habits that I have been implementing since the beginning of the year and I am currently loving. Being Mindful With Food I am happy to say…
2021 Resolutions
This is my first post of 2021 and I wanted to mention what I think is the most exciting part of starting a new year. This is the second time I write this post, the very first time I did, everything I wrote was completely evaporated after my computer was turned off due to battery issues. Even though I felt insanely frustrated at the beginning, I am trying to find a new approach to these types of situations. From now on, every time things don’t go the way I want I remember myself that I should trust the process. “Trust the process” is a sentence that I’ve heard a few…
2020 Resolutions, The Moment Of The Truth
As the year comes to an end, I thought it was time to post my results regarding the 2020 resolutions. If you have been following this blog for a while, you know that I am a big fan of creating lists with my resolutions at the beginning of every year to feel in control of my personal growth. I enjoy deciding which activities and habits I want to change or improve and I write about them regularly to keep track of my improvement and also keep an eye on the things that I am doing wrong. Building new habits is difficult, especially if you are used to quitting after a…
Christmas. Is It Worth The Hype?
After concluding that this year we won’t be visiting our families due to the multiple restrictions and safety measures in, I started to consider the idea of not celebrating Christmas at all. As much as businesses try to convince us, I thought, Christmas is just a celebration focused on food, family, decorations, presents and annoying songs. I debated between the positive and negative effects of participating in this particular social construct. When I was a child, decorating the tree was one of the most exciting parts of Christmas. But my memory tells me that it wasn’t about a massive plant and tiny chocolate balls hanging from it. The day we…