
My Top 7 Travel Hacks

Finally, with August just round the corner, some of you probably want to take a few days off to visit a new place (or simply go back to your favourite holiday destination). I assume you want to make your break as smooth and nice as possible. I have collected a few travel hacks in order to make your trip even more pleasant!
We only need a list with some must-haves and duties to complete that can help us to make our trip hassle-free. The first ones are related to the process of…
Preparing the suitcase
You have probably heard about this already, but rolling the clothes like burritos instead of folding them like they were in the wardrobe will give you a bit more of space to store other belongings.
It’s also the perfect way to find everything you are looking once you get to your destination.
More space means more organization, comfort when travelling and fewer wrinkles in your clothing, it’s perfect!
Hydrate yourself!
Another hack that really helps me, especially during very long flights is to bring a bottle of water with me. My favourite travel hack? Bring a reusable empty bottle with you and after crossing the security check in the airport, go to the bathroom and put some water (only if you can drink tap water on that particular country). It’s extremely important to keep yourself hydrated during the flight as the low humidity levels of the air make the natural oils and moisture of your face disappear.
And this brings us to the third hack:
Moisture your skin and lips before the flight
Maybe you don’t like spending time doing a skincare routine during your daily life and when the stress of an upcoming flight may not make you feel like to apply creams on you could be a priority. We are usually worried about how many things do we need to bring with us and don’t want to forget any important items and have a panic attack on the plane.
However, dedicating just a few minutes to take care of yourself before the flight can help a lot, especially if it’s a long one!…you will be happy you did it when you arrive to your holiday destination without dry, patched lips.
Lip balms are very small so you can bring them everywhere.
Get a hair tie or luggage tag on your suitcase
Have you ever went to collect your luggage and just found out that 90 % of all suitcases have the same colour? All of them are blue and black. Then, you may see a few red ones too. The best hack to spot your luggage is to tie a lace or a luggage tag that you can recognize from far away. I tried to do something similar some years ago. I attached to my luggage a bunch of very cute key chains in order to recognize it straight away.
After attaching all of them, my suitcase looked fantastic! When I arrived to my destination and went to collect my luggage, I found that most of my key chains were missing and the ones left were completely broken! This was before I learnt how badly our luggage is treated during the flights. Airpost staff throw our luggage up and down and it’s common to get them back with bruises and in my case, destroyed key chains. 
This brings me to the next hack/friendly recommendation:
Do not leave anything fragile in your checked-in luggage
As long as it’s not liquid, try to insert it on your handbag luggage. If there is no way you can bring it with you on the plane, then try to buy some bubbled plastic or something similar to protect the items and cover everything up very well. You need to protect your fragile belongings because once you say goodbye to your bag, you don’t know how many hits the poor item will get.
And my last one is something that came to my mind on my last trip after my camera stopped accepting photos.
Bring a Hard Drive with you
If you are like me and you love taking photos of almost everything mildly interesting with your phone, this one is for you. After only a few days your storage space will blow up. Taking a hard drive to your next trip can be extremely useful. You can leave it in your hotel-guesthouse and every day after you come back from your adventure, you can check how many photos you took that day and if your storage on your phone/camera is full, insert most of them on the hard drive and continue your experience.
Like a good millennial, I mostly use my phone to take photos on every trip. Hard drives are small so it’s easy to find a small corner on my bag (always the handbag, we don’t want it to explode after getting hit multiples times by the airport staff!).
Also, speaking about travel tech…
Don’t forget a power bank
You don’t want to start making your journey back home with Google Maps and see your uncharged phone dumping you in a foreign country/city. As well as the hard drive, a power bank can be really small and weightless, but extremely useful if you really need them.
Also, if you need to use it but don’t have much time, remember to put your phone in “flight mode” so it gets full of battery sooner.
And I think that’s it for now! Have a nice trip!


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