Dark Movies to Watch on Halloween Chats With My Cat - Lifestyle, Habits, Minimalism, Movies 1

Dark Movies to Watch on Halloween

Hey guys! Given this special date, I thought I could improvise a post with movies that embody Halloween!

The darkest party of the year has come and if you don’t have any plans or feel that you are too old to “trick or treat” your neighbours, you could be interested in watching one os this great and dark movie.

It’s been a while since the last time I talked about movies, right?

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1- Alps

I know, I have something for Greek movies, but they are very unique.
It takes a while to understand what’s going on, but as a summary, a group of actors works impersonating people that have recently died in order to help their loved ones get over the grieving phase.


2- Miss Violence 

A brain wrecking movie that will probably traumatise you for a few hours. A girl kills herself on her on her 11th birthday. Nobody knows why, but something weird seems to happen indoors.

So, it’s not a pleasant movie to watch. It’s not a horror movie either, but you keep questioning yourself why she did it and the realism of the story is scary. If you are having a terrible day and you look forward to seeing a good quality movie to get out of your bubble, this could be the one.


3- Evolution

I remember the beginning of the movie had me stunned, I was extremely intrigued and wanted to know what was going on. As the movie continues, I start feeling like I was missing something, and the final was pretty disappointing (it was quite an open ending).
So, I wanted to understand the movie and end up reading a lot of explanation. Apparently, the movie has some hidden meaning and is deeply linked to the reproduction of starfishes. Now I think is a true piece of art.

I recommend reading carefully about the way the different reproduction procedures of the starfish before or after watching the movie, as it will make a lot more sense.


4- Perfume: The story of a murderer

I love this movie so much and is probably the most “Halloweenish” movie of
the whole list.
A guy gets obsessed with creating the world’s best perfume, a perfume that can bring love into people’s hearts just by smelling it.
The story is based on a book, and I haven’t read it but it must be a true piece of art.



5- Hidden (Caché)

A married couple is stalked and terrorized with some tapes someone is leaving on their porch.


I can’t think of any other movie right now, but some time ago I published a post about some painful movies to watch on a bad day. Have a look at them, as they could also be interesting for this time of the year.



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