Learn Some Killer Words Today and Start Using Them From Today!
Did you know out vocabulary goes a lot farther than the terms we use in our everyday life? There are hundreds of unique words that we can incorporate into our everyday life from today. In this post, I will share some interesting words that I have discovered recently. If you aren’t growing your abs, learning French as you proposed or following your keto diet as firmly as you thought you could during the quarantine, maybe learning a few new words make you feel better about your productivity. 1.- I am starting the list in the same way that we start every morning, from a cozy warm bed! CLINOMANIA: An excessive desire to…
This Method Helped Me Avoid Temptation
We often end up the day having bought something we didn’t have the intention to buy when we woke up. Or is it just me? This is probably due to the inducement we feel after looking at something that looks beautiful (like flowers) or enjoys using (a new scarf). And then, we need to own it. Lately, I have taken some steps to improve my life and of course, my spending habits. Today I want to share my most effective methods to avoid the temptation of buying something. 1. Unsubscribe From Notifications. This one is, by far, the best decision I could have taken. I used to receive a large…
5 Reasons Why you Don’t Realise You Buy Too Much Crap
Are you really good at saving money or you're just fooling yourself? In this post, I show you some affirmations that are making you feel cheaper than you really are!