I don’t like my life and I want to change it, where do I start?
Your life is not perfect. Let’s face it, mine is either. There are just too many things going on in our lives and there is a point when you ask yourself, am I happy? If the answer is NO, maybe it’s time to start making some changes. You want to improve your life but you are not sure of why or what to do, so let’s start from the beginning. First things first: there is something wrong in your life and the best way to solve it to find what is missing. Sounds easy, but most people are afraid to take this first step and that’s often the reason some…
- 2018, 2019, books, budget, creative side, creativity, declutter, discoveries, Finance, financial, findings, Free time, goals, grateful, habits, hacks, Health, improve life, life-hacks, Lifestyle, mentality, minimal, minimalist, New Year resolutions, organization, personal, positive life, positive mindset, purposes, resolutions, success
2018 APRIL RESOLUTIONS A few weeks ago, I read an article that said that March is the month in which most people leave behind their New Year’s resolutions. I didn’t write down any resolutions for 2018, but I started the year in a very productive and active way. Of course, that has been fading progressively. Don’t worry, because it’s almost April, and April it’s the best month to do the 2018 resolutions! Because you know better than ever which are your needs right now, which parts of your life need to be improved, and because there isn’t any New Year’s pressure for you to follow them. Aldo, January can be…