
  • Open book surrounded by dry leaves

    My 2023 Best Reads Update + Watchies

    I’ve been lucky enough to find some worth-sharing books that I believe everyone could enjoy, or at the very least, appreciate. After simple research and some important spamming from Social Media, I came across a few controversial books with mixed reviews. People loved them or hated them in equal parts. Some consider them overrated, and some believed them to be too tough, even extremely “triggering”.   ANIMAL – BY LISA TADEO Few books have shocked me as greatly as this one. The writing style is so electric that, despite disliking the main character, I couldn’t help but feel an emotional connection to her. I read it so fast that I…

  • Theater seats and screen

    Movie-Bangers Of The Year

    Hello everyone! Today we are starting the day with some of the best movies that I have watched this year. A lot of the titles that I will mention are fairly new, but some are already nominated for awards!  This year started with my discovery of A24. A24 is an American independent entertainment company that specializes in film production and it’s slowly becoming a pioneer of modern horror and phycological thriller. I have seen a considerable number of movies from this company and have enjoyed most of them, and they have more movies coming out soon!   Movies   You Won’t Be Alone   One of the most philosophical movies…

  • A popcorn trolley inside a theater with the sign "circus" in the background

    I Found Some Gems

    Hi everyone, I am passing by to say: “Hello!”, and also to check in with you and ask about your life: How are you doing lately? Are you as excited about Autumn as I am? Or you would rather live in a permanent season of summer? Is it too cold where you live? In my last post, I shared some of the activities that make me feel good. All of the activities mentioned are still at the top of my list of projects to calm me down and make me feel better, but there is an important one that I didn’t include because I didn’t think it was necessary. I…

  • Movies

    90s Nostalgia

    I was recently listening to a podcast when one of the hosts shared that her favourite movie when she was a teenager was Thirteen. She spoke about the movie starred by Evan Rachel Wood and the cinematic experience of growing up in the 90s. That same evening I decided to give it a try. Watching the movie woke up some nostalgia I hadn’t perceived before. Movies from the 90s had a unique feeling. It was the decade of Pop Culture, teens and piercings as an aesthetic construction. We were the last generation that lived a childhood without Social Media or the Internet. I felt sentimental. Immediately after the movie finished,…

  • Movies

    An Awful Lot of Screen Time

    A small detail about me, I was born in 1990 and lived for the most part of my life in a big city in Spain. As a proper kid in the 90s, I spent a big part of my childhood summers watching and rewatching TV shows and movies whilst savouring strawberry sorbets. Nowadays, I try to limit myself to one episode/movie per night. A nice story before going to sleep is by far my favourite way of concluding the day. Also, it helps me get sleepy. As a consequence, not having anything interesting to watch creates a slight feeling of emptiness. I know there are great visual entertainment options out…

  • Lifestyle,  Movies

    Welcome To The Season Of Movie Nights

    If there is one thing that makes us feel like we are almost back to normal is the release of multiple movies and shows. It has been a long wait since we had the opportunity to watch another season of our favourite sagas. The beginning of autumn (AKA the best season of the year) has launched new trailers for upcoming TV Shows that we can excitingly add to our list of “Things to wait for”. If you love spending your weekend evenings cooking mug cakes and drinking mulled cider immersed in a story, check out this update and let me know if I am missing something!   1- Maid  …