- avoid family, blogmas, comedy, enjoy, Entertainment, food, jokes, Lifestyle, Merry Christmas, tips, Uncategorized
7 Ways to Avoid Family Dinners at Christmas
With the given date, I can’t stop reading and hearing people talking about how much they hate Christmas dinners. Some people hate the food, some others the company 😊 Easy, I will give you a few examples of how to avoid them, or at least spend less time in there. 1- An old person fell on the street This one allows you to be late (or very late). You just need to send a message somebody that will be at the dinner, let them know that just in front of you an elder person fell and you had to help him because you were the only one in there. Also,…
Night Routine
In my last post, I talked about being a morning person and how meaningful that is in order to feel more positive and relaxed. As a person who is likely to sleep pretty bad, I have started using a different night routine that is helping me fall asleep faster and feel better those last minutes of the day. I believe that each person has his/her own night routine, so let me know in the comments which is your best ritual before you go to sleep. The truth is that my night routine is quite long and full of steps, but if you like you can try yourself some of them and…
Easy Steps to Become a Morning Person
Lately, I have been struggling with my sleep and mornings have been pretty hard for me to face. Of course, this has negative effects on my life. For example, I end up delaying the alarm several times, I eat worse along the day and feel more hungry. I have never been the best sleeper, but this year I have been finding some nice tricks to find yourself waking up feeling more relaxed and positive. Night routine The way you wake up is often linked to the way you have slept, so this actually starts the night before. I have found out that having a night routine helps me A LOT…
5 Amazing Tricks Shops Don’t Want You to Know
It’s Christmas! Some of us still need to buy a few things before the end of the year and there are a few tricks that we can use and that shops never tell us that could help us save some extra money. Bargains online – All year long Most shops have an online store. Usually, is very easy to find bargains and items on sale. This is because every new season the stores get their new collections, so they want to get rid of the old pieces. They have a limited space to put their items and of course, they use it for showing the new ones. If you go…
5 Amazing Books You Need to Read Before Going Back to the Real World
Some years ago, one of my teachers was talking about the importance of reading. He said something along the lines of “When I see a teenager reading, I think, he’s saved”. Well, that’s bullshit. I don’t think reading ANY type of book is going to save you from whatever that sentence was referring to. Some books are simply a waste of time. Nowadays, most publishers are more interested in the money the book is going to make than the quality of the book itself. Some of the books that I read in my teenage years were a waste of time. They entertained, yes, but didn’t help me learn or grow…
Black Friday. Is it Worth It?
Most of you are probably sick of seeing the “Black Friday” signs everywhere. Despite its name, the Black Friday sales last longer than just a Friday. It is actually one of those “occasions” that last a whole weekend or even more (depending on the shop). On Sunday evening, we get a ton of messages reminding us that there just a few hours left to buy the bargains. Later, a few days after it has finished, some shops even send you an email to let you know that the “sales before Christmas” have started… I know, “Black Friday” is perfect to buy all the Christmas presents you still need to…