Orange autumn leaves falling from a tree

Autumn Experiences You Can’t Miss

Every year cities around the world welcome Autumn with a great deal of shows, parties, flavours and expositions to enjoy what I believe is the most beautiful season of the year.

Some enjoy going to Halloween parties and dancing to the music while others rather spend the evening in a cute cafe drinking a pumpkin spice and writing a blog post. Can you guess which one am I?

But Autumn is more than pricey lattes and isolation. I have collected a few activities you can enjoy during this time of the year so that it can help you decide which ones match your personality type.


Discover a New Garden

I am sure there are some gardens in your city that you rarely visit. During Autumn trees are experiencing leaf loss, wrapping the streets with colourful dry leaves.

I personally don’t even need to leave my home. I can see loads of them on the floor every morning from my balcony. It’s a gorgeous sight.

There is nothing better than organising a trip, alone or with friends to one of the biggest gardens in your city to have a picnic surrounded by squirrels and yellow trees.


Yellow trees in a forest


Get Some Candles

I stopped buying candles some time ago.

Most of the aromas didn’t truly mesmerise me and I was always worried that I would burn the house down by accident while I was in the shower.

But I have discovered peach-scented candles. I try to avoid leaving them on when I am not in the living room, but the feeling of cosiness the scent of peach gives me is the most wonderful Autumn feeling.

Some types of candle vases are also pretty well covered up, so it has less potential to cause an accident.

If you are into handicrafts, there are companies that create kits for you to make your own candles at home. You can easily find the ones you like the most and enjoy an evening of creating some handmade goods at home.


Pick Up a new Book

One of my goals for this season was to finish a short book that I picked up recently: Creative Visualization.

I loved the book, it is an amazing, straight-to-the-point guide on how to meditate using various visualization techniques. The book also includes different types of affirmations depending on the type of method you prefer using.

It is extremely helpful! I loved writing down some notes to remember my favourite affirmations for the future.


Fun in Halloween

It was the first of October. I entered a shopping centre in East London and found a paid artist singing Christmas Carols.

I was disappointed. Christmas songs in October? Where is the consumerism spirit during the Halloween season? Later on, I visited the supermarket to get some groceries and found a Christmas tree by the entrance.


Just because your city doesn’t put that much attention into Halloween doesn’t mean you can’t delight yourself with Carved pumpkins, skeletons around your home and horror movies.

And talking about movies, I have a few recommendations if you want to watch some horror tales this Halloween:



Very few horror movies have stolen my attention lately. Pearl is a psycho country girl living at her parent’s farm and dreaming of becoming a star while her husband is at war.



Although it is the first movie to be released in the saga, X is the sequel to Pearl. The movie portrays a group of actors planning to document a porn movie in an isolated farm owned by a senior couple.

It is rumoured that there will be one more movie, the third part of this saga coming is out soon!


The Innocents

A group of kids that meets in a playground to play games discover they have supernatural powers.

This was a very unsettling movie to watch, it portrays the natural evilness that kids often test themselves with.


The Barbarian

A woman decides to share an Airbnb with a guest who has booked it for the same dates.

I was hesitant about this movie, and it ended up surprising me. From an apparent “don’t trust strangers” lecture type that the trailer pictures to something much more interesting.


Which are your favourite activities for Autumn?


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