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A Few More Things You Should Consider When Looking For A Flat

A Few More Things You Should Consider When Looking For A Flat

Scared of your next flat hunting experience? You can do it and without dying


You have a specific budget for a reason, and it must be respected.

Many agencies push their negotiators into showing you places that are over your budget, so it’s not very uncommon for the agent to show you an amazing place for you to realise a few minutes later that you aren’t willing to pay the asking price.

They do it in order for you to start considering your budget again…not a great way to waste your time.

Last time we took a day off from work. We decided to have as many viewings as we could. It was the only full day we could use for viewings.

Lucky us, we managed to make a few appointments. The second lettings agent we met drove us to a very centric and area. So when he opened the door and we got into an huge (for London standards), luminous flat with a wardrobe closet and a dream kitchen.

We couldn’t help but feel suspicious. Of course, the rent for that flat was a lot higher than we had specified.

We were almost late for the following viewing and the day ended up being more stressful and less pleasant than we expected.

If you don’t want to waste your time because and aren’t willing to change your budget, be clear about that and ask the agent to please stick to the plan.


If you have too many viewings on the same day, you want to remember every place you have seen in order to make a decision.

Watching different flats on the same week means you are going to end up exhausted. Take photos and check them at home, compare everything, the bathrooms, the fees, which ones include bills or a nice TV.

Now is the moment to compare the area. Which ones are too far away from the transport? Which is closer to your workplace? Is there a shopping centre or a supermarket nearby?

Make numbers and start to cross out the ones that are not convenient enough for you.


There is nothing more frustrating after moving to your new palace than realising your sofa doesn’t fit.

Measures are important and you can save yourself from a headache!


Make sure the water is running and move the pipes to make sure that they work.

It sounds silly, but this particular action can avoid some nasty surprise later, maybe when it’s too late. Better safe than sorry!


Maybe the flat is not too far away from your workplace. However, the transport links are terrible.

You are going to need to use 2-3 different trains/buses each day. For some, that’s a negative and decisive point.

If that’s the case, you may want to consider another area. I know, right? Who doesn’t love the art of using the tube/bus at peak time in the morning?


  • Emma Crawford-Nash

    Hi! This post is so cool! I love the gifs you added, it really makes it a lot more fun to read.
    Also, very good advice, and I know, it is so bad when agents try to show you sooo many places over your budget… What’s the point?

    Thanks for the advice!

    • Kiira Smith

      Hi Emma!
      To be honest, I also enjoyed creating this post with the gifs, it was more comical to me and I plan on doing more posts with the same style.
      I’m glad to read you liked the post, thank you for reading 🙂

  • Josh Lynx

    Hi, I love your new style of post, displaying gifs, it does add a lot to the content, it has more personality now, it’s great!
    Very interesting advice, it’s SUPER important to check your commute to work/uni when you change flats!!

    • Kiira Smith

      Hey Josh!

      Yeah, links have always been quite important to me.
      I’m glad you like the post, I enjoyed doing it.
      Take care 🙂

  • John Malone

    I’m loving your gifs, they make the post easier to read and they are great!

    I think you really have been through the most important things to consider when flat hunting between this one and your previous post

    See you on your next post!

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