Having Too Many Stuff
It was just a few months ago when I discovered that my impulse purchase was not as much under control as I thought it was.
We had been living in a very small flat in London, and now, we were moving to an also small, but way more cute flat in the heart of the city. I read a bunch of blogs and articles looking for tips on how to make this experience less stressful and more pleasant. However, nothing was going to prepare us for the nightmare that we were going to live.
I remember one of the articles said: “Never underestimate the number of things that you have”. And maybe that was my biggest mistake, fooling myself into believing that just because of living in a small place, we couldn’t possibly have that many stuff.
The story is simple and quite familiar to almost everyone, am I right? We were basically moving flats and we had too many things. Actually, I don’t think there are many people whose experience moving places was a pleasant one. And even after we moved, the nightmare hasn’t finished, since it was required something more than a Master’s Degree in Tetris to get to store everything in an organized manner.
And that’s when I started reading about this new trend named, “minimalism”. Naturally, In the middle of a big mess with a ridiculous amount of bargains, some of this ideas were appealing to me, such as making your life a bit simpler, excess free and getting rid of the things you don’t need.I had never considered myself a big spender. I didn’t own many luxury items. However, I realized I had too many different versions of the same products. I had four different hair oils, five different conditioners, three can openers, three potato peelers, etc. As you can tell, I would actually use one of them on daily basis.
And that’s why I will dedicate some of my posts to follow and reflect my spending habits, sharing with you some tips and tricks to improve all together with our impulse purchase and save some money and space.
Don’t forget to let me know your opinion on this issue. Do you think it’s cool to buy things as long as you can afford them? Or do you think it’s just ok if they are very good quality investments? Do you think you have the same dilemma?
Also, let me know about your personal experience moving houses and your tips to make it less unpleasant, your opinion and experience are ALWAYS appreciated!