
Happy Birthday!

Today It’s Chatswithmycat’s birthday!

On the 3rd of February of 2018, I decided to start sharing some of my thoughts and improvement ideas. I am not sure if someone read the first post, but I was expecting to be kind of “lonely” for a while. You can imagine my surprise and excitement when I got the first comments.

Just a couple of posts later, I started getting a few more readers that decided to subscribe and follow the blog regularly. And now it’s been 1 whole year growing with you:

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2018 was a good year

I had a bunch of different experiences that helped me grow mentally and change my life, and you guys are one of the reasons why I enjoyed this journey and the reason why I still love sharing everything that is in my mind. I plan on keeping up with the blog and share more thoughts, tricks and tips on how to improve both in life and in our personal growth as well.

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Also, I want to put more effort and time in order to create more content and make some changes that could improve the site. New ideas are welcome! And that’s the reason I also want to read your opinions. I am very curious to hear about which are your favourite type of posts. I love when you guys participate and let me know your thoughts, experiences and suggestions. There is no better day than a Birthday to let me know which are your preferences, that’s why I have created this form. You can vote about which type of post would you like to see more often.

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