Habits To Be More Successful – Part 2
Habits shape our lives. Since the moment we are born, we have basic needs, we need food, a roof and water. That’s the perfect trap to make us dependent on the system organization. Some people say “I don’t need a high salary, I am happy with having enough food and a roof”.
If we were truly free, the prize for working and being part of the system would be just to get extra luxuries and additional material possessions we don’t need. People who didn’t want those luxury items wouldn’t work because they would just be happy with their most basic needs being assured. However, the system needs people performing different tasks. A community needs teachers, doctors, construction workers and business people creating jobs and money, so the best way to keep the community system work is simple: you work for someone and you will have your basic needs covered. Escaping this system and trying to financially free yourself takes time, effort, habits on your everyday life and a good plan. Even if your goal is to create an extra way of passive income, there are some habits that will help you succeed in life.
Successful people are completely aware that their life belongs to them, and they have the control to change their lives and their resources.
It’s a reality that some people are born in a better situation than others, but it’s also true that some of the most successful people in the world weren’t born in the best environment, just as some privileged ones have been raised in a pleasant environment but end up having a very shitty adult life due to their decisions.
It’s extremely easy to blame other people for your life, it makes you feel less guilty, why to do something when you can just lose yourself in a self-pity cage and cry? But you can also decide what to do with your life. You can also propose to reach a goal and start working on it, step by step. Someone said: “your life is your own business, try to make it work and get profits from it”. If you decide to leave your life under others decisions, it just won’t work out, because nobody cares. And they should never care about your life as much as you do.
Other people’s decision can and will affect your life, it’s something reasonable. However, after a 3rd person’s decision affects your life, you are the responsible to decide what’s going to be your next move.
Gratitude is the other side of the coin that goes with stop blaming people for your life. If you feel grateful with what you have, you will feel positive enough to continue pursuing your dream. I believe it’s a good idea to start from one sentence: life does not owe you anything. That sentence has more meaning that it seems. It implicates that, from now on, everything you get must be under your own effort. Everything you achieve will be the result of your actions. How you educate yourself is more important than the way your family/school/ cultural environment does, so you need to decide which are your values and habits.
From the moment you understand that life does not owe you anything, you will release the part of you that is resentful. That part that is upset because your degree/master is not generating the results you expected. You may stop getting angry at the public transport system for not having more bus stops. You will stop being angry at the prices going up, or the mortgage’s interest going up, or even the fact that the nice shoes you wanted to buy are sold out.
There is no point in getting angry at things you cannot change, but there is a lot of use in working hard on the things you can improve. The consciousness about the fact that the world does not owe you anything is the first step to start improving your circumstances and stop waiting for external events to do it. That way, when you get positive news, you will be more grateful for the life you are having and the opportunities that you are creating by yourself. Being grateful is not just essential to achieve goals, but also to enjoy your life.
Most successful people insist on the importance of spending time alone. We are surrounded by people, their voices and opinions are everywhere and we usually spend most of our day listening to them. Sharing experiences and working with the people you love can be amazing, but it’s important to get away and think about yourself, leave your ideas flow and make up your mind. The time we spend alone is the time that allows us to grow as unique individuals.
Some people say it’s scary for them to spend time alone. A friend that told me that she would always turn on the TV the few hours she was alone every day because she couldn’t stand herself.
Our brain can be tricky. When we are alone, our darkest demons can approach us, memories we don’t want to remember, regrets from the past, etc. All those thoughts that come to our mind and make us feel bad are more likely to appear when we are alone; however is also that moment when we need to overpower them, we need to fight against our brain and force it to help us and make us stronger instead of making us feel weak and insecure. Your brain is your biggest weapon, it can destroy you or help you achieve every goal you propose, that’s why it’s so important to learn how to use it.
Of course, one of the most important habits to be successful is to be persistent. Successful people achieve their goals after studying, reading, trying and failing several times. If you really want something, you will need to be consistent in it. That’s why it is also important to choose the right goal. A goal you can be passionate about. Maybe you are in love with art, or maybe you just want to learn about stocks. Whatever is your ambition, you need to be sure about how much you want it.
From the moment you start working on your passion, you will go through different seasons. Sometimes you will feel tired and unmotivated. Sometimes you will get bad news related to your goal. If you really love what you are doing, they will be easy to overcome.
It is known how famous writers were rejected several times before publishing their books, or how many times a successful businessman ended up in bankruptcy. My personal favourite is Jack Ma, his life has been an intriguing rollercoaster and he has given great motivational speeches. I believe his journey could be one of the best examples of someone whose situation changed thanks to his attitude and habits.
John Malone
I couldn’t agree more with this point…
“your life is your own business, try to make it work and get profits from it”. If you decide to leave your life under others decisions, it just won’t work out, because nobody cares. And they should never care about your life as much as you do.”
Love it! Also, I am starting to use the Excel you shared a few posts away, and its great, I highly recommend it!
Kiira Smith
That’s awesome! That sentence needs to be a part of our everyday thoughts.
It’s good to remember that your life is under your power, especially when you feel you are distracting yourself too much.
I’m glad to know you are using the Excel, let me know how it goes in the future 🙂
Take care!
Emma Crawford-Nash
I’m loving all your latest posts about habits, budgeting, etc. They are great!
Kiira Smith
I’m glad you’re enjoying them so far!
I love your blog. These posts help me to keep myself focused. Thank you!
Kiira Smith
You’re very welcome Anna 🙂
I like writing about what I believe, it’s great to know it helps readers too.
Being persistent and having good habits is SO important. If you give up, none of the rest matter.
Kiira Smith
SO true!
My favorite line of this blog: “life does not owe you anything”.
Thanks for another great post.
Kiira Smith
My pleasure.
I will post more about the topic 🙂
To be Creative, Disciplined and Organized are great habits, I like to use checklists as to do lists, but I always keep at least an hour a day for random stuff, that tends to be my most creative moments.
Kiira Smith
That’s really interesting, to do lists are great if you meet them.
Would you consider that creative hour as “alone time”?
I do! It’s always when I am alone when I am the most productive, so it’s very helpful for me