Discover The Best Way To Control Your Expenses Chats With My Cat - Lifestyle, Habits, Minimalism, Movies 7
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Discover my EXCEL Budget Tracker

Welcome again to my budget tracker series

As promised, I have created an Excel in order to attach it here and share my favourite method to manage your expenses every month. Feel free to download it, modify it to your liking and see if it’s useful to you. I created this one based on the one that I had in one of my tracker diaries. That was a great discovery for me.

I am sure you can find some better and fancier trackers at any library, but if you want to keep it basic with, this can be a good asset to your financial plan.

How does it work?

Do you remember the diary I showed in my previous post? Cool, now that the month is over and you have highlighted every single category every day, you have to write the total of each category in the excel at the end of the month.

You can just go to the nicest quite place you know (or just stay in your bed), and get a calculator! (unless you are a genius with numbers)

Don’t you have a car? Cool, just delete the car section in the excel. I don’t pay fuel because I use the bus, so I delete those sections too. I also left a couple of empty spaces just in case you want to add some extra category you spend money on.

The previous tracker was the first step to get here. It helps you track your expenses you have had every day and organize them with different colours.

In my opinion, It just makes the whole process easier.

I believe this one is the ultimate tracker. This is mainly because you can see the evolution of your expenses through the year. You can see how much you spent on clothes month after month. Maybe you see that the amount you spend eating out increases every month. And that way you decide it’s time to do something about that because you prefer sending that money to something different.

Remember, you are the owner of your money. And you deserve to know where it goes every day and every month.

To get the excel, you just need to click on the link with the name “Chats with my Cat monthly tracker” just below:


Chats with my cat monthly tracker


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