
Magnesium Changed My Life

I find it difficult, to post an article after such a long time of absolute absence.



A lot of events have taken place in the last months, including changes in my routine, big decisions, and updates concerning the next year that I will share in a future post. But before jumping into that, I wanted to broadcast some of the biggest findings in my world. I am confident that some of them have radically changed my life for the best and maybe they can help you too! 


I have always been a terrible sleeper. It can take me hours to fall asleep. Once I do, I will wake up by the sound of any movement or noise. That became even a bigger issue after I started sharing a bed with my partner. I literally wake up the moment he dares to move to change positions in bed.



I occasionally enjoy being awake at night. I feel more inspired, more creative. That time when everyone is sleeping and the only creatures outside are a few foxes looking for a meal has frequently been the optimal point for writing, reading or watching that Indi movie I was saving for days.

After the pandemic, my company decided to open a Night Shift. We would get a higher salary, on top of other perks like additional Holiday days. Being a master in the art of staying awake, I felt that this was my opportunity to push my abilities a bit further and make a full transition into being a midnight owl. 

The first months were a mess. It was easy to stay awake during the night, but I would find it difficult to sleep during the day. That aggravated my mood. It was also challenging to make plans with friends since I was tired most of the time and they had pretty normal schedules.

On the other side, the extra days off were an amazing opportunity to travel and visit places I had wanted to see for years. I visited Miami, Portugal, Greece, Hamburg, Stockholm, Finland, Menorca, and even Iceland for a second time! Visiting new countries every couple of months was amazing, but sometimes it felt like I was inside a bubble. I felt like I was witnessing the real world from the inside of a submarine.



On the worst days, I wouldn’t be able to sleep sufficiently during the night, waking up at 3-4 a.m and consequently feeling exhausted by 5 p.m of the same day. 

In addition, I felt that my creativity and imagination decreased dramatically. I felt empty of motives. The sleepless nights were also void of ideas. It was almost impossible to execute some of the practices that I had enjoyed for so long, like writing or going for a walk.

A couple of months ago I went back to the day shift. I became a normal person with a normal schedule and social life. But after trying a plethora of supplements and vitamins during my time as a full-time Owlwoman, I have found a few that I continue to take on a daily basis. 



One of my first testing trials was the generic sleeping tablets. Non-prescription capsules made of a mix of Valerian, Camomile, Ethanol, and some other plant extracts. 

I tried multiple brands, and the effects were pretty similar. Not only didn’t help me sleep better, but I would feel immensely groggy the following day. 

After reading opinions from other night shifters, I discovered that my biggest problem could be related to Melatonin release. Melatonin is a natural hormone in our bodies that is released during the night, mostly when we are in the dark, trying to sleep. 

Melatonin became a staple for me, but it didn’t make any huge difference in my sleep health. I was taking it regularly until an unfortunate day when I woke up with an immensely swollen face. I looked like I had been stung by a dozen bees whilst sleeping. After reading about it, I came to the conclusion that I could have had a bad reaction to the melatonin. 



I stopped the melatonin consumption.

Frustrated and tired, I continued looking for solutions and advice in forums and Social Media. That’s when I heard about Magnesium for the first time. There are a few different types of Magnesium, and each of them can be potentially good for different purposes. After some research, I got a massive bottle of Magnesium citrate that I started taking every day, around 30 minutes before going to sleep. 

At first, I didn’t sleep too many hours. However, when I was awake, I was truly aware and conscious. My body felt more relaxed and my mood improved. 

Shortly after I started taking my Mg12 I went back to working the day shift. Despite changing my sleeping schedule again, the transition was surprisingly easy to carry this time. I have continued taking my supplement, making it a part of my night routine for months now, and I feel amazing.


I feel more focused and calm, and I can often sleep 7/8 hours a night. I am not going to lie, I still wake up at the slightest sound around me, but it’s pretty easy to fall asleep again. And those nights when I don’t sleep my full 7 hours, I still find it manageable to wake up in the morning and enjoy my life. 

I looked up opinions about this product (mostly on Reddit) and turns out it is prevalent for some people to have Magnesium deficiency in their system. Maybe I was one of those people. Still, I wish someone had told me about the benefits of this metal before binging on weird generic relaxing pills and Melatonin for so long. It is also a natural laxative for those who struggle with their visits to the porcelain throne. 

I want to declare that I am not a health professional and you should always consult your doctor before taking any supplements. I share this information because I could have benefited from it years ago. 


But first, coffee?



Another of my positive modifications has been delaying my coffee time. I used to drink coffee first time in the morning. And I crave that habit even more during the winter months when the only reason to move my body out of the warm bed is the idea of drinking a hot cup of coffee.

Coffee is a great stimulant that helps us focus and feel energized during the day, but said stimulation prompts unnatural chemical changes in our system. 

Despite helping us stay awake, caffeine blocks adenosine receptors. These receptors were supposed to have their own natural reactions in the brain. The interruption of these receptors creates a crash in our system that we can feel hours later in the day.

I substituted my morning coffee for a hot drink that can vary from ginger tea (I drop a ginger shot in a glass of boiling water) or any type of infusion that tastes nice enough. Then, I wait a bit over an hour to have my first coffee. This practice has also pushed me to drink more liquids and stay hydrated, which is always a challenge for me. 






One of my biggest problems for the last year was the appearance of infections in my body. I have had some tests taken and it was impossible to find out where were they coming from. At some point, I thought I had developed a yeast intolerance, but I also considered it could be a vitamin deficiency. 

I even considered the possibility of having developed a gluten allergy.

These infections would make my life hell. Some of the painful symptoms included canker sores in my mouth and headaches every day. 

After months of research, I decided to try mushroom extracts. Apparently, some mushrooms like Chaga, Cordyceps, or Lion’s Mane have adaptogenic properties that help with infections. I don’t take these supplements every day, but I do every time I feel any symptom that signals to the appearance of a new infection. 

And I am very happy. While it does not make the first canker sore disappear, it does help to demise the expansion of the following ones. It makes it easier for me to cope with the first manifestations of the illness and it shortens the time it stays in my body. 

I feel pretty confident to consider them as one of the saviours of my health right now because they are the last addition to my routine before my infections ceased.



Probiotics and Collagen


The last addition to my morning routine. I am not sure if the effects I detect are because of both of them or if it’s mostly one. I take these two supplements on the same days at the same time, and I already feel my skin healthier looking and my digestion less heavy. 

It is crazy how many women swear by Probiotics nowadays. Probiotics are proven to boost energy levels, help with digestion and reduce cortisol levels and symptoms of illnesses, like autoimmune diseases, which affect women more frequently.

I also add collagen powder to my morning drinks, usually to smoothies or coffee. While it doesn’t change the flavour dramatically, it is a great addition for those who don’t eat a lot of collagen-rich foods. 

Have you tried any of these supplements?



  • Jamie

    Good to see you posting again!!

    Lately I have been thinking a lot about adding some supplements into my life as I don’t feel like I am at my best. Will definitely try Magnesium citrate

    • Kiira Smith

      Yes try it and let me know how it goes 🙂 I personally prefer capsules over tablets since they dissolve better. I hope you get better soon Jamie!

  • Karen

    Yes!. Magnesium citrate is the only supplement that gets me to sleep at night. Melatonin and Benadryl dont do shit and in Benadryl’s case may actually cause long term harm. I always take citrate form about 1200 mgs before bed.

  • John Malone

    Welcome back!! 🙂

    Love Magnesium.

    Interestingly, Only 1 % of the magnesium is in the blood. 99% of the magnesium is in the cell. That means a blood test for magnesium isn’t reliable, I think that most people would benefit from it. I don’t take a supplement for most things because you can cover them with food. I only supplement magnesium, vitamin d and vitamin K2. Maybe L Theanin sometimes

    • Kiira Smith

      Thanks John is great to be back! I had no idea about the magnesium in blood vs cell, it is fascinating.
      I sometimes take Vitamin D (not sure if it makes any difference for me) and have read good things about L-Theanin, but still haven’t try it🤓

  • Paloma

    Really good tip re caffeine intake (can’t talk about the other stuff that much).

    Another tip – caffeine has a long half-life so the earlier you ingest the better. It wreaks havoc on sleep whether your aware or not (reference: Matthew Walker’s Why We Sleep, great book).

  • Top

    I saw a video from Andrew Huberman recommending delaying your initial intake of caffeine, like you suggest.
    I don’t find it life changing but I do think it helps avoiding an afternoon crash for a bit

    • Kiira Smith

      I feel I am getting a lot of videos on my feed about the side effects of coffee since I found about it. Is intriguing the things that it does to our body

  • Azealia

    Nice post. I have been thinking about starting to take mushoom supplements, do you have any recommendations in terms of types of mushroom?
    I hear good things about charga and cordyceps

    • Kiira Smith

      Bingo! I am taking exactly the one’s you mentioned. Chaga and Cordyceps capsule extracts from the brand ”mushrooms 4 life”, but the same brand has other types that I still haven’t tried.

  • Tom

    I take lions mane and cordyceps daily. Good combo for energy, focus, libido, mood regulation, etc. Completely quit coffee thanks to them.

  • Mara

    Pretty good tips. Although the one thing I had a different experience with was Probiotics

    I have digestive issues related to hypothyroidism and began taking a daily probiotic to help regulate myself. It worked great for around the first week-ish. I felt less bloated, didn’t cramp after nearly every meal, etc. Then quickly after, they SEVERELY constipated me. I’m an avid water-drinker and eat a lot of fiber rich foods, and I rarely ever got constipated like I did on the probiotic. Around two days after I stopped taking it, everything pretty much returned to normal. I’ll probably never take another one again after that.

    • Kiira Smith

      Thanks Mara! That’s very interesting, I wonder if the digestive issues are because of the specific Probiotics or all of them can cause that effect.

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