Multiuse Products We All Have Chats With My Cat - Lifestyle, Habits, Minimalism, Movies
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6 Amazing Multipurpose items you Already have

There are 6 wonderful items you can use on multiple occasions. Ignoring their use would be a complete waste.
In a desperate attempt to reduce the number of things that I have and need, I have been using a few of my most basis appliances for different purposes.

To be honest, some of them were supposed to be temporary, as an emergency replacement after we moved, but most of them are doing so great that I have decided to keep using them indefinitely.

Apple Vinegar

Apart from making great salad dressings, you can also use it:

1. To make an all-purpose cleaner. I was talking on one of my previous post about the trouble of having several cleaning products. You only need to mix vinegar with water to make a wonderful eco-friendly cleaning spray.

2. To get rid of dandruff ad itchy scalp. Use it in the shower. Use a half-full cup of vinegar and massage your scalp with your hands before using your sulfates free-shampoo. It will help calm your scalp and minimize your dandruff.

3. To avoid or treat Fungal infections. Applying apple vinegar on the marks caused by a mild fungal infection will improve both symptoms and appearance.

4. To wash fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, nowadays eating clean is harder than ever. I am currently using vinegar to try to make the washing process a bit deeper.

If you are worried about pesticides on your fruits and veggies, this may help remove some extra residue more than washing them with only water.

5. A sore throat and digestion. I still haven’t tried this one, but I’ve read that drinking a glass of warm water with some apple vinegar can help your digestion and soothe your sore throat.

Old T-shirts

After using your old T-shirt, hold on a minute before you throw them in the trash. They can make:

1. An amazing kitchen cloth. Basically, the cloth you use for getting the hot tray out of the oven.

2. A cleaning cloth. This one is my favourite and most used one. You don’t need a bunch of rags to clean your house. Take your oldest unusable t-shirt and spray some multi-purpose cleaner on it (or the water with vinegar we mentioned before) and start cleaning furniture dust.

After you finish, you can clean it and reuse it. This is actually one of my favourites.

Food Can

1. In need of a temporary flower vase? Either if you decide to decorate it to make it look pretty, or just use it as it comes(vintage style), the food can it’s going the make great use.

2. Stationery item. Same as the previous one, if you feel like exploring your artistic skills, you can decorate it.

You can use one for pencils and pens, another one for scissors and clips, and another one for the highlighters!

Pencil Case

Unlike the previous one, there is a hypothetical case where you have too many pencil cases and are trying to find some different uses for them.

These are a few things you don’t need to buy anymore:

1. Medicine travel bag. You can use one of your pencil cases to store some paracetamol and plasters for your next trip.

2. Makeup bag. It’s not a new discovery that some pencil cases can make a wonderful makeup case (and vice-versa). In fact, I also remember some of my friends at college using their cute makeup cases as their pencil cases too.

3. Using a pencil case to store the tampons and pads, as well as some sanitary products it’s another option.


On the new flat, we were lacking many items, but the glasses weren’t one of them. We already had a few ones, but the new house came with a few more. It made us realise that we were having some trouble trying to store them all in such a small kitchen.

1. Tooth holder. Using a glass as a temporary toothbrush cup is one of the first things we did was we started to unpack everything. Nowadays, the white glass makes a nice decoration with the rest of the bathroom.

2. Cutlery drier. Often, after we wash the dishes, we don’t feel like drying them with a rag. You can use a glass to leave them sitting there until they are completely dry.

4. Flower Vase. As well as the can, you can easily use a glass to stock your decorative flowers with some water.


I don’t care if you are a woman, a man, a child or an alien. You have some vaseline stored for that season of the year when you get parched lips. The great thing about vaseline is that you can also use it for:

  1. Maintain your leather (or leather-like) products. Leather-like material looks wonderful in our couch and shoes, but this type of fabric wears-off and can get some scratches.

If you have a synthetic leather couch and you want to prevent this from happening, you should pour some balm on the material an rub it carefully. This technique will also protect your shoes from the rain.

2. Unzip your zipper! I learned this trick around 2 years ago and it was my salvation. I had a very cool jacket whose zipper was giving me some trouble, and a purse I had stopped using because of the problematic zipper.

Simply rub the vaseline on the part of the zipper that is stuck. It will make the zip/unzip process a lot easier.

3. Squeaky doors. You need to rub some balm all over the hinge/latch to make it smoother and less noisy.

Do you have any other multipurpose tool that you love? Is there any use I am missing?
Let me know your opinion with multiuse products, and thank you so much for reading!


  • Emma Crawford-Nash

    Great post! I had absolutely no idea about the uses of vaseline you mentioned.
    So nice! Also, apple vinegar is Super useful

  • admin

    Thank you Emma!
    Vaseline has been extremly handy to me in many occasions, and vinegar is also beneficial for our health so I believe it must be like one of this super products people used to talk about 🙂

    • admin

      Hi John!
      I wanted to make a post that could help some people discover the hidden uses of some products they already have at home.
      I’m glad it’s complete enough 🙂

  • Alissa Issenova

    I am loving your blog, you talk about very useful things. It’s great!
    I use white vinegar for soo many different things on my day to day… it’s wonderful.

  • admin

    Hey Alissa 🙂
    Yes, white vinegar has a surprising number of possible uses. It’s fun that I used to only use it as a dressing for salads (still my favourite use though).
    Thank you for commenting!

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