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Lifestyle,  Money

5 Things I Won’t Buy Anymore

The last two (maybe three) years have been a bit stressful for me, but also very dynamic. I had time to buy, sell, and accumulate too many objects in my room/house that are not useful anymore.
I have been moving flats often, and therefore considering which items are worth buying and which ones end up being more of a nuisance.
Here I have 5 items I won’t buy anymore, and I will probably keep adding some more in a future.

1. Coffee Mug Collections

I was one of these people with a ton of really huge mug collection at home. Actually, I used to have some as decoration for my room. This does’t mean they will disappear forever. In fact, I still have a few (the nicer ones). The rest, however, will stay in my old room, at my parents’s house!


blur cappuccino close up


2. Books

I like reading. The problem is, when you finish reading a particular book, unless you want to keep it because you’ve LOVED it, or you have the time and will to resell it, it’s just a piece if space you need.
My parents got me an eReader for my birthday last year, and I have been using it a lot more than I thought I would, it’s less heavy to bring with me everywhere, and it avoids the accumulation of already used books.




3.Clothes I Can’t Try On

I love buying clothes online. The problem is, once the package is home and I try them on, they are sometimes the wrong size (because you know, the isn’t something like a size for every brand). Sometimes they are not as cute as I thought they would be. Of course, there are time when they are perfect, but I will still try to avoid buying online from now on. Maybe if I move to the countryside and the closest shopping centre is 10 miles away. Otherwise, I want to start going to the store and try on everything I like before clicking the “delivery” button. I am pretty sure it´s a good financial tip in the long term too.

4. Lip Scrub

A waste of space to me. My toothbrush can do the same job perfectly fine. I decided this one yesterday and it was worth it. As soon as I have finished the lip scrub I bought, that space will be clean and free. If you haven´t tried using your toothbrush as a lip scrub, go on and let me know how it goes. Just remember be gentle when you do it as you don´t want to scratch your delicate lips!

5. Hundreds of Different Cleaning Products

Because when you need a spray for the windows, and one more for the floor with a sweet cotton fragrance, plus another one for the furniture and finally a separate one for wood furniture. Oh, and don’t forget a few ones you need to clean the bathroom…because it’s a different type of floor…Now you just need to rent a new place with a whole room to store every single product. Nope, as soon as I finish the ones I have, vinegar will play a big role in my cleaning products.




Which items do you think you should stop spending money in? Do you have any recommendation? Soon, I will update a post about “the list” that helped me control my items and how useful has been for me to use it. You can check the post in here.

Have an amazing day and thank you for reading!


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